Data shared by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has shown that a total of 3,228 individuals listed as Ghanaians on the agency’s non-detained docket have been issued a court order to leave the United States.

According to a response issued by ICE to questions filed by Fox News, the data, as of November 24, 2024, showed a total of 1,445,549 non-U.S. citizens contained on the non-detained docket.

This revelation comes at a time when the newly inaugurated government of Donald Trump has implemented an immigration enforcement policy that has resulted in the arrest of nearly 1,000 people, according to ICE.

The multi-agency enforcement has been empowered by the granting of extended immigration authority by the Trump administration.

While the new government’s immigration enforcement has largely focused on arresting and deporting known criminal illegal immigrants, there are growing concerns that other categories of illegal immigrants, such as those on the non-detained docket, may also be affected.

A “non-detained docket” refers to a list maintained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) that includes individuals they believe are removable non-citizens currently residing in the United States but are not currently held in ICE detention; essentially, it’s a list of people who are not currently in ICE custody but are still considered targets for potential deportation actions.

Usually, ICE, with the power of a final order of removal from an immigration court, will go ahead to deport a person on the non-detained docket, even though a person may be deported without a court order under the process of expedited removal.

A final order of removal is a court order that requires an immigrant to leave the United States.

It’s issued by an immigration judge after ruling against an immigrant’s immigration case.

The order is usually issued against an immigrant who has violated immigration laws, has a criminal conviction, or possesses an expired immigration status.

While the agency said it is unable to provide a list of case-specific reasons why it has been unable to deport some persons on the non-detained docket with final orders, ICE explained some of the reasons that could account for their inability to enforce deportation.

“ICE is unable to provide a list of case-specific reasons why the agency is unable to remove certain noncitizens on the non-detained docket with final orders. There are several reasons why ICE is unable to effectuate removals. Under Title 8 of the U.S. Code, ICE may remove noncitizens from the United States who are subject to final orders of removal issued by an immigration judge or other lawful orders, including those processed under expedited removal who either have not claimed a fear of return or received a negative credible fear determination affirmed by an immigration judge. However, this does not guarantee every person seeking to remain in the United States will be able to do so. There are several reasons ICE may not be able to effectuate the removal of a noncitizen with a final order of removal.

“Noncitizens may pursue a form of relief or protection from removal, which may include asylum, withholding of removal, or protection under the Convention Against Torture. If a noncitizen is granted any form of relief from removal, ICE is unable to effectuate the removal. Additionally, ICE works to remove undocumented noncitizens from the United States once they are subject to final orders of removal in a timely manner. The U.S. Government believes every country is obligated to accept the return of its citizens and nationals who are ineligible to remain in the United States. Lack of cooperation from the foreign government delays and, in many cases, inhibits the removal process,” ICE noted.

Meanwhile, current data on ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations Statistics shows that a total of 464 Ghanaians were arrested by the agency between 2021 and 2024.

The data shows that 23 out of the total number were arrested for criminal convictions, while the rest were arrested for other immigration violations.

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