THE GHANA Internet Safety Foundation (GISF) is calling for more stakeholder engagements and education on child internet safety issues.

GISF Founder, Emmanuel Adinkrah, said the organisation was already raising awareness on safer internet emphasising the importance of digital parenting in protecting children from online dangers.

“There is the need for stakeholders in Ghana to do more to improve upon our internet safety issues in order to rank creditably on the global index of Child Online Safety,” Mr. Adinkrah stated.

He said children required protection not just in physical space, but that their digital lives/persona must be protected also.

He added that “GISF is proud to join the global community in the celebration of Safer Internet Day 2023 marked on February 7, each year. This year’s theme is “Together for a better internethighlighting the role of parents and caregivers in creating a safer online environment for children and young people.”

He said participants would be able to interact with experts from GISF and other organisations dedicated to internet safety and get answers to their questions on how to keep their children safe online.

He also lamented that most Ghanaian parents grew up in a completely different technological age, without social media, multi-player games, online porn, video streaming, cyber bullying or ‘sexting’.

Mr. Adinkrah indicated “some of us even remember the good old days of dial-up connections. Back then, digital parenting meant getting the kids off the phone so you could send an email. In today’s world, our kids are connected 24/7 – even in the classroom – so much so that the distinction between online and offline is less and less meaningful,” he said.

He further noted that with more young people accessing and consuming digital content, good cyber hygiene must be emphasised right from schools to places of worship and our homes.

“Several interventions by Government, through the Cybersecurity Authority, are very commendable. However, more resources are required to create the necessary awareness, provide the support to the victims of these cybercrimes and create alternative digital spaces/programmes for our teeming netizens in Ghana,” he added.

BY Jamila Akweley Okertchiri

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